Vision And Mission

Our Vision

What we see the future of ACC
To become transformed believers who reflect the glory of God and uniquely touch the lives of people wherever we go!

Our Mission

What God calls us to accomplish?
ACC is to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment of God. The mission of ACC is to lead non-believers to become believers and believers to become devoted followers of Christ. The following statement of purpose expands and explains our mission.

ACC exists to offer believers and seekers opportunities to worship and glorify God together.

ACC exists to provide believers and seekers opportunities to develop loving relationships with each other.

ACC exists to make believers devoted followers of Christ.

ACC exists to reach out to the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Tarrant County is our Jerusalem, DFW is our Samaria, the United States is our Judea, and the other countries our World.

ACC exists to equip and to empower believers to serve as servants in His church as well as in our community.

Our Strategy

How we are going to accomplish our mission
The following strategy is how we move people from spiritually lost to maturity in Christ. It consists of six steps.

Step 1: Go and build relationship with unchurched people

  • Rationale – Rather than beginning with the gospel, we seek to make connections so that when we do share the gospel, we have credibility. People are more inclined to open to the gospel from a trusted friend than from a stranger. This is preparing the soil to receive the seed.
  • Vehicles – Every believer attending ACC is encouraged to reach out to unchurched friends and build relationship with them. As a church, we seek to provide ministries to the community and participate in appropriate community functions: like Wild Flower Trip, Family Enrichment Seminars, Chinese New Year celebration, sports day, etc. Friendly visit to the families of Awana children, Chinese school students, youth parents, and guests on Sundays to build relationship.

Step 2: Go and share the gospel

  • Rationale – In addition to building relationship and witnessing to people with our lives, we need to verbally share our testimonies and the gospel with them in order to lead them to have a saving knowledge of Christ. Once a relationship of integrity has been built, we have gained a platform to share and challenge them to believe.
  • Vehicles – Personal witnessing, EVT team, evangelistic seekers class in fellowships and in Sunday school hour, evangelistic meetings.

Step 3: Come and worship the Lord

  • Rationale – Once a person accepted Christ, it is important that he or she attend Sunday worship regularly. Through worship and listening to the teaching of the Bible, new believer begins the process of life transformation. Sunday worship is imperative for those who are committed to becoming devoted followers of Christ.
  • Vehicles – Sunday service to provide basic instruction on the Bible.

Step 4: Come and grow in Christ

  • Rationale – Believer needs to be nurtured in the Word of God so that his or her mind is continually renewed and life transformed. Personal follow-up, discipleship and belonging to a group are crucial to the growth of a believer. Life-change happens best in a small group where a person is known authentically and spiritual journey is shared. Every believer who desire to become a devoted follower of Christ must belong to a group for connection, mutual support, discipleship and accountability with fellow believers as well as life application of the Bible.
  • Vehicles – Adult Sunday school to provide in-depth Bible teaching and life application. Small groups and fellowship groups ministry. Lay pastors and fellowship chairpersons will be responsible to guide and equip believers in their groups directly or through the other ministry of the church. Personal discipleship using ‘New Arrival Kit’ or any equivalent material.

Step 5: Come and serve the Lord

  • Rationale – A believer needs to grow in the Lord before he or she can effectively serve the Lord. Every believer is equipped by the Holy Spirit with spiritual gift(s) to serve for the benefit of the body of Christ. Those who take ACC as their home church are encouraged to discover their spiritual gift(s), develop them, and then use them to glorify God. We have different roles in ministry but not different class within the church. Every believer is equally important to the family of ACC.
  • Vehicles – Membership class or small groups and fellowships using Uniquely You In Christ” to help identify how God has uniquely designed you. Apprentice on the job training within each department of ministry. Servant-Leader training class. Lay pastors and fellowship chairpersons give guidance to their group members as to where they can learn to serve and recommend their names to respective ministry coordinator.

Step 6: Go and reproduce

  • Rationale – God calls us not only to reproduce spiritually (leading non-believers to Christ), but also to train up individual to continue and to expand the ministry. In addition to using their gifts to serve the Lord, devoted followers of Christ will invest their lives into the life of the others.
  • Vehicles – Discipleship program Staff, elders, deacons, district pastors, lay pastors, fellowship chairpersons, department and committee heads as coach to their apprentice.