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父親節聯合祟拜 2020-06-21
June 21, 2020 @ 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CDT
頌讚 Worship in Song | 敬拜團 Worship Team |
奉獻 Offering | 會眾 Congregation |
三一頌 Doxology | 會眾 Congregation |
向父親致敬意 Honoring fathers | 定慈姊妹 Sister Christine |
證道 Message 「太不公平了」 “It is not fair” 馬太福音Matthew 20:1-16 | 梁牧師 Pastor Edward |
回應詩歌 Hymn of Response | |
報告 Announcement | 蔡牧師 Pastor Jason |
祝福 Benediction | 蔡牧師 Pastor Jason |
報告 Announcement
- 教會在此祝各位父親有一個愉快的父親節。
- 頓悟人生:教會第一次舉辦的公益線上聚會,將於週四 (6/25) 晚上 7:30舉行,講員:高偉雄弟兄,請邀請親友參加。Zoom ID 會在牧者家書上通知,也可以到教會youtube channel (在youtube搜尋Arlington Chinese Church) 收看現場直播。
- 感謝神讓我們在這疫情當中有機會來服事社區,多謝弟兄姊妹的參與。
- 暑期星期五晚查經班已經開始,請仍想參加的弟兄姊妹到網上或與各小組組長報名。
- 感謝神以虛擬形式舉行的DCCYC 達福青少年暑期營已於昨天完滿結束,請繼續為跟進工作禱告。
- 請記念教會作醫護人員的弟兄姊妹,尤其當中有些被分派特別照顧病毒確診病人的,為他們的平安健康禱告,求神保守他們。
- 請為在疫情當中因經濟低潮而失去工作、或工作受影響的弟兄姊妹禱告。請為內心有平安、及神的供應禱告。
- 弟兄姊妹的奉獻可直接寄至教會、或透過教會網站奉獻。
- 弟兄姊妹若需要口罩,請與教牧同工、或辦公室同工聯絡。
- 若弟兄姊妹有任何需要的話,請務必與教牧同工聯絡。
- 請為玟玟和De的兒子Danny禱告,他將於7月2日在西雅圖接受手術,要割除腦部的惡性腫瘤,請為手術成功及日後的治療禱告,求神保守及醫治。
- We wish every father to have a happy Father’s Day.
- Praise the Lord that He has given us an opportunity to serve the community during this time of pandemic. We would like to thank those who participated in the past few weeks.
- Praise the Lord, Virtual DCCYC youth camp wrapped up yesterday. ACC had more than twenty youth attended. Pray for follow-up.
- Please pray for God’s protection for our brothers and sisters in medical field, couple of them are assigned to take care of COVID-19 patients.
- Pray for brothers and sisters whose job is affected by COVID-19 crisis. Please pray for peace of heart and God’s provision.
- If you have a need for masks, please contact our pastoral staff or office staff.
- If you have any kinds of need, please contact our pastoral staff.
- During this period of time, please send your offerings either through mail or give online through ACC’s website.
- Please pray for Joy & De’s son, Danny, he will be having a surgery on July 2 to remove a brain tumor in Seattle. Please pray for successful surgery and follow up treatment.
感恩及代禱 Thanksgiving & Prayer
- 請為最近的示威和暴亂禱告:1) 求天父打開我們的心去聆聽和了解受到種族歧視的群眾和警察暴力的實況,讓我們能用神的眼光來正確檢視所發生的事,有助帶來一個敬虔和平的社會;2) 求神保守警察、和平抗議者、及旁人的平安;3) 求神改變暴動者和搶劫者的心態;4) 求神賜政府領導人有智慧懂得如何處理整個事件 。
- 請繼續為生病的肢體禱告,求神醫治並保守他們不會受到新冠狀病毒的感染。
- 待產母親:Sherry,Winnie,Edith。
- 請為在海外服事的肢體禱告,求神保守他們身體健康,服不會受到影響。
- Pray for: 1) Open hearts to listen and understand those who suffer from racial injustice and police brutality so we can be part of their healing process; 2) protection over the police, peaceful protesters and innocent bystanders; 3) God to change the hearts of the rioters and looters; 4) government leaders to have godly wisdom in handling this crisis.
- Please continue to pray for God’s healing for those who are sick in our midst and pray that they won’t be affected by COVID-19.
- Please continue to pray for the expecting mothers: Sherry, W. Yue, Edith.
- Please pray for our overseas workers’ health and ministries.
下主日中文崇拜工作人員:[Chinese Worship workers]
Next Sunday’s English Worship Speaker:
Brother Caleb
第25週 聰明的靈
懇求祢使_____(念出孩子的名字) 有聰明的靈,認識祢是他/她自己的神,不只是父母的神,存敬畏神的心,就不靠自己的小聰明。求祢使他/她凡事認定主,不輕易發怒,不行惡事。願主的聰明顯明在孩子身上,使他/她的骨骼和肚腹都得健壯。