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English Worship 2021-06-27

June 27, 2021 @ 9:30 AM 11:00 AM CDT

Worship in Song Worship Team
Offering Worship Team
Doxology Congregation
Message  “Growing in Righteousness”  2 Peter 1:3-11 Pastor Kevin
Announcements Pastor Jason
Benediction Pastor Jason


  1. We welcome Andy C. and Tiffany T. joined us in worship the past Sunday.
  2. Praise God that the youth had a great DCCYC camp. The Mission Arlington Outreach starts today and runs through this Friday, 7/2. Please pray that God will use them to touch lives for His glory.
  3. The church members voted to approve the ordination of Elder Kai Shing Yeung. The ordination committee and the date of the ordination will be coordinated by Elder Kai and then approved by the Elder/Deacon Joint BoardPastor Francisco is on vacation from 6/24 to 6/29. Please reach out to our pastoral staff if you have any kinds of needs.
  4. This summer’s Art camp (7/26 – 7/30) will be held in person and virtually (ZOOM) at the same time! With these new challenges, please pray for co-workers, teachers, and helpers to serve. Pray also for wisdom and manpower, especially with new technical adjustments and safety measures. We pray for peace and joy during this camp, and the hearts of the children to be open to learning more about God.
  5. The promise Keepers (men’s conference) will take place from July 16-17 in Arlington. We would like to encourage the men of ACC to attend this conference. If you are interested in attending, please email Ping @
  6. We encourage everyone to participate in prayer meetings on Wednesday with other brothers and sisters in different languages.
  7. Please pray for God’s protection for our brothers and sisters in medical field, a couple of them are assigned to take care of COVID-19 patients.
  8. Pray for brothers and sisters whose job are affected by COVID-19 crisis. Please pray for peace of heart and God’s provision.
  9. If you have any kinds of needs, please contact our pastoral staff.
  10. During this period of time, please continue to send your offerings either through mail or give online through ACC’s website.

Thanksgiving & Prayer

  1. Pray for the pandemic and for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  2. Please pray for our overseas workers’ health and ministries: Leeling, Dorothy, Dean, Penny, Derek, Chantal.
  3. Pastor Jason’s mom had surgery on her lower back this past Wednesday. Praise God for smooth procedure. Pray for her speedy recovery.
  4. Praise God that Hai-Chi’s condition is improving. Pray that the physical therapy will help her to recover from back and leg pain completely.
  5. Continue to pray for Shumeng’s gallbladder treatment. Pray for proper care
    and healing.
  6. Continue to pray for Elder Shum’s mother-in-law healing on her injured hip.
  7. Pray for expecting mothers: Emilia, Saomony, Ariella and Tiffani
  8. Pray for God’s healing grace and healing for those who are sick in our midst and pray that they won’t be affected by COVID-19: Lily’s father, Edmund’s younger sister, Brenda, Freddy, Johnny, Stoltz, Yu-Chun, Chantal, Lucy, Louise.

Next Sunday’s Speaker

  • Pastor Jason