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Joint Worship 聯合崇拜 2021-05-09
May 9, 2021 @ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT
頌讚 Worship in Song | 領會/會眾 Worship Team |
奉獻 Offering | 會眾 Congregation |
三一頌 Doxology | 會眾 Congregation |
兒童獻詩 Children Choir | |
證道 Message 「一段非傳統的母親節經文」 “An unconventional scripture passage for Mother’s Day” 路加福音 Luke 14:25-35 | 楊長老 Elder Kai |
回應詩歌 Hymn of Response | 會眾 Congregation |
報告 Announcement | 楊長老 Elder Kai |
祝福 Benediction | 楊長老 Elder Kai |
報告 Announcement
奉獻記錄 Last Week’s Offering
- 中文堂將於下主日 5/16 開始實體崇拜,早上 11:15,欲參加的弟兄姊妹請上網登 記,名額有限。
- 教會重新開放委員會已經制定了全部的安全和消毒規程。這些程序包括聚會之前、 之間和之後的清潔和消毒,以及必要時的追蹤聯繫程序。詳情請上 ACC 網頁,其中 內容包括:教程的視頻,開放的協議以及責任的免除。 有關疫情的規程我們將繼 續評估或改進。
- OMF 將提供一個短期網上中國宣教之旅。線上簡介時間:6 / 4,晚上 9-10:30。 宣教行程:6 / 11,晚上9-10:30; 6/12,晚上9-11:00。 有興趣者,請電郵聯 絡 hqmob@msips.org
- 暑期網上藝術營預告:7/26-7/30 (週一至週五)早上 10-11:30。 年齡:1至8 年級。詳情容後公佈。請預留時間。
- ACC 兒童部的夏季課程需要主日學老師。這是 3 個月的委身,將提供培訓。課程將 以 Zoom 進行,最終可能會實體進行。欲了解更多訊息,請電郵給 Francisco 傳道: fleungacc@gmail.com
- 伊斯蘭教的大齋月在 4/13 開始至 5/12 結束,請在這期間為他們禱告。教會已購有 網上中文版的禱告指引,弟兄姊妹可在這三十天內,到互聯網上閱讀並為伊斯蘭教 徒禱告。https://ebook30days.com/wp-login.php Username : eccc Password : ebookeccc
- 請為在疫情當中因經濟低潮而失去工作、或工作受影響的弟兄姊妹禱告。請為內心 有平安、及神的供應禱告。
- 若弟兄姊妹有任何需要的話,請務必與教牧同工聯絡。
- 弟兄姊妹的奉獻可直接寄至教會、或透過教會網站奉獻。
- Chinese service reopening beginning 5/16, service start at 11:15Am. Online registration on ACC website is required to attend in person.
- The Re-opening Committee has put in place safety and disinfecting protocols for our church. Please visit the ACC website page to view the tutorial videos, the re-opening protocols, and the waiver of liability. These procedures address cleaning and disinfecting before, in between, and after services as well as contact tracing procedures if necessary. We continue to evaluate to improve our procedures as it pertains to COVID-19.
- OMF will be offering a virtual short-term mission trip to China. Orientation: 6/4, 9pm-10:30pm. Trip: 6/11, 9pm -10:30pm; 6/12, 9pm – 11pm. If you are interested, please send email to hqmob@msips.org
- Summer virtual Art Camp: 7/26-7/30 (Monday to Friday) 10-11:30AM. Grades 1 to 8. Details will be announced later. Please save the date.
- ACC Kids Ministry needs Sunday school teachers for the Summer session. This is a 3-month commitment. Training will be provided. Classes will be in Zoom and may eventually be in person. Please email Pastor Francisco at fleungacc@gmail.com for more information.
- STAGES OF SPIRITUAL LIFE WORKSHOP by Dorothy. From newly believing to becoming like Christ, there are distinct markers of spiritual development. We will discuss six stages of growth. Most Christians do not move beyond Stage 3. Where are you and how do you go from one stage to the next? Come learn together! Zoom on May 8th OR 15th, 1:30-3:30pm. Sign up at jastsai@gmail.com
- Ramadan starts from 4/13 to 5/12. Please use 30 days to pray for the Muslims. For prayer guide, please go to https://worldchristian.com/product/mwpg-2021-pdf#product_detail
- Pray for brothers and sisters whose job is affected by COVID-19 crisis. Please pray for peace of heart and God’s provision.
- If you have any kinds of need, please contact our pastoral staff.
- During this period of time, please send your offerings either through mail or give online through ACC’s website.
感恩及代禱 Thanksgiving & Prayer
- 請記念COVID-19的疫情,願神的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。
- 請為在海外同工禱告,願天父保守帶領:Leeling、Dorothy、Dean、Penny、Derek、Chantal。
- 請為亞麗的父親代禱(確診肝癌,因年紀關係不接受治療。求主預備他的心接受救恩)
- 請為生病的肢體禱告,求主醫治並保守:
- Brenda (乳癌,感謝神癌細胞指標非常低)
- Joy Rong (中風,求天父保守醫治她的身心靈)
- 述孟 (請為他的康復禱告,求天父保守醫治)
- Freddy 弟兄 (腸癌,感謝神身上已沒有癌細胞,請為手術後的康復禱 告)
- Chantal (感謝神手術成功、請為治療和康復禱告)
- Lucy (腹腔的腫瘤能藉藥物縮小)
- Johnny (肺癌)
- Yu-Chun (乳癌)
- Edmund 的妹妹 (乳癌)
- 玲玲 (癌症復發,為治療禱告)
- Stoltz (前列腺癌)
- 請為懷孕中的母親代禱: Saomony, Ariella和Tiffani
- Pray for the pandemic, that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
- Please pray for our overseas workers’ health and ministries: Leeling, Dorothy, Dean, Penny, Derek, Chantal.
- Pray for Lily’s father who is in China was diagnosed with liver cancer (will not seek treatment because of his age) Pray that he will become a true believer in Jesus.
- Pray for God’s healing grace and healing for those who are sick in our midst and pray that they won’t be affected by COVID-19:
a. Brenda (breast cancer praise the Lord that cancer marker is VERY low)
b. Joy Rong (complete healing and recovery from stroke)
c. Shumeng (complete healing and recovery from stroke)
d. Freddy (colon cancer, praise the Lord that he is in remission, please pray for his full
recovery from surgery)
e. Chantal (successful surgery, please pray for full recovery and treatment)
f. Lucy (treatment of a growth insider her body, that it will reduce in size)
g. Johnny (lung cancer)
h. Yu-Chun (breast cancer)
i. Edmund’s younger sister (breast cancer)
j. Louise (cancer recurred, please pray for treatment)
k. Stoltz (Prostate cancer) - Pray for expecting mothers: Saomony, Ariella and Tiffani.
奉獻網站: tithe.ly
Next Sunday’s English Worship Speaker:
Pastor Jason
Online Offering App: tithe.ly