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Father’s Day Joint Worship 父親節聯合崇拜
June 19, 2022 @ 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM CDT
頌讚 Worship in Song | 領會/會眾 Worship Team |
兒童獻詩 Children Singing | 兒童詩班 Children’s Choir |
證道 Message 「一段非傳統的父親節經文」 “An Unconventional Bible Passage for Father’s Day” 提後 1:5 / 2 Timothy 1:5 | 楊牧師 Pastor Kai |
回應詩歌 Hymn of Response | 會眾 Congregation |
奉獻 Offering | |
孩童奉獻禮 Baby Dedication | Francisco 傳道 Pastor Francisco |
報告 Announcement | 徐長老 Elder Hai-Wei |
三一頌 Doxology | 會眾 Congregation |
祝福 Benediction | 楊牧師 Pastor Kai |
2022 年度教會的講道主題是“教會?” 我們將通過《使徒行傳》和神學教會論的内容再次認識神所設立的教會的意義,以及我們應該如何在教會中敬拜神,屬靈成長,廣傳福音。The preaching theme of the year 2022 is “Why Church?” Through the Book of Acts and Ecclesiology, we will learn the meaning of the church that God created, and how we can worship God, grow in spirit, and share the gospel together. |
報告 Announcement
- 南湖堂開幕典禮定於 7/10 舉行,請爲所有的預備、宣傳工作禱告。願神的名得榮耀!
The Grand Opening of ACC Southlake Campus will be on July 10th! Please pray for all the preparation and promotion. May God be glorified! - 發放食品盒在 ACC 是一個持續的事工,即使疫情好轉仍會繼續。6/25(週六)上午 8-11點,歡迎加入我們一起為社區服務。掃碼“Godisgood”註冊。
Food Box Ministry is an ongoing ministry of ACC. Come join us in serving the community on Saturday, June 25th from 8-11am. Sign up through this link with access code “Godisgood”. - 請大家下載教會 ChMS 系統的手機 APP, Elvanto,以便及時接收和查看教會各項最新信息。
To receive and view the latest church information in a timely manner, please download the mobile APP of the church’s ChMS system, Elvanto, from Google Play or App Store. - ACC 暑期實體藝術營仍接受報名。時間:7/25 – 7/29 (週一至週五),上 午 9 時至中午。地點:雅靈頓堂。廚藝班額滿;藝術班 (5-14 歲) 繼續接受報名。詳情和網上報名 請至https://bit.ly/artcamp22register。歡迎邀請孩子和他們的朋友一起來參加這項歡樂、滿有創意的聖經教學活動。
“The Parables of God’s Kingdom” Art Camp 2022 is still accepting registration. Dates: July 25-29, 9AM-Noon. Location: Arlington Chinese Church. The registration for Pantry class is now closed. Art Classes for ages 5-14 are still open for registration. For more details and to register: go online to https://bit.ly/artcamp22register Please invite your child(ren) and their friends to join us in singing, learning, and creating projects using God’s truths! - 弟兄姊妹的奉獻可直接寄至教會、或透過教會網站奉獻。
You may give your offerings in-person, through mail, or online through ACC’s website. - 若弟兄姊妹有任何需要的話,請務必與教牧同工聯絡。
If you have any kind of needs, please contact our pastoral staff.
奉獻網站: tithe.ly
Next Sunday’s English Worship Speaker:
Pastor Jason
Online Offering App: tithe.ly
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